According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, workplace eye injuries cost over $133 million a year in medical expenses, workers‚ compensation and lost production. Luckily, taking a few simple steps can prevent most eye injuries. Here are some ways to help eliminate eye hazards in the workplace:
- Examine the work environment, including work areas, equipment, access routes as well as previous eye injury reports. Use the information to determine potential hazards and eradicate them.
- Make routine vision testing during employee physical exams a priority. Improper vision can lead to accidents.
- Add eye safety to your ongoing training programs and new employee orientation that highlight the need for protective eyewear and accident prevention
- Set a goal of ZERO eye injuries or accidents! Routinely review and update accident prevention policies.
- Display a copy of your company‚s eye safety program in work and employee gathering areas.
- Have management play an active role in having a successful eye safety program by wearing protective eyewear whenever necessary.
- Plan for emergencies by setting up eyewash stations that are easily accessible. Train workers in basic first-aid for handling eye injuries