5 Easy Ways to Prevent Eye Injuries in the Workplace
May 04, 2015
Each day approximately 2000 workers in the U.S. sustain a job-related eye injury that requires medical treatment. Workplace eye injuries cost millions each year in medical expenses, workers‚ compensation and lost production. In some cases, injury to the eye can result in irreparable damage so it is crucial to take steps to prevent eye injuries. Here are some ways to help eliminate eye hazards in the workplace:
- Check the Work Environment - Examine the work environment, including work areas, equipment, access routes as well as previous eye injury reports. Use the information to determine potential hazards and eliminate them.
- Schedule Eye Exams - Improper vision can lead to accidents so make routine vision testing during employee physical exams a priority.
- Hold Routine Training Programs - Add eye safety to your ongoing training programs and new employee orientation that highlight the need for protective eyewear and accident prevention. Set a goal of ZERO eye injuries or accidents! Routinely review and update accident prevention policies.
- Wear Proper Protection - Select the appropriate eye protection for any potential hazard. Be sure the eyewear is in good condition and fits properly.
- Be Prepared - Plan for emergencies by setting up eyewash stations that are easily accessible. Train workers in basic first-aid for handling eye injuries